
JSF validators safeguard the application and model from invalid entries. Outputting error messages and giving the UIComponent an invalid state (allowing the field to be marked), skipping update-model and invoke-application phases straight to render response.

There are two major problems with this approach:

  • complex validation logic may reside inside domain objects, requiring the model to be updated and the application to be invoked.
  • it does not allow for non-fatal validations (aka warnings).

JsfWarn fills this gap allowing the definition of field level warning validators. These are performed prior to the render-response phase towards the end of the JSF life cycle. At this point the model has been updated and the application invoked.

Include the following dependency:


To define a warning validator you simply implement the WarningValidator interface. Alternatively you can use existing JSF validators.

public class FooWarningValidator implements WarningValidator{

private FooBean fooBean;

public void process(FacesContext context, UIInput component, ValidationResult validationResult) {
if(!fooBean.isBarValid()) {
validationResult.setFacesMessage(new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_WARN, "FooBar", "This is a warning."));

To utilize this validator simply add the tag library xmlns:jw=”https://knitelius.com/jsfwarn” and add the <jw:warning /> tag to the targeted component.

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
<title>JSF Warning Messages Example</title>
.myWarningStyle {


<h:outputLabel for="bar" value="Default warning:" />
<h:inputText id="bar">
<jw:warning styleClass="myWarningStyle" validator="#{fooWarningValidator}" />
<f:ajax event="change" render="@this" />
<h:message for="bar" />


You can also define inline style.
<jw:warning validator="#{…}" style="border-color: #090580" />

Or severity specific warning styles:
<jw:warning validator="#{…}" infoClass="myInfoStyle" warnClass="myWarnStyle" />

Sources: https://github.com/sknitelius/jsfwarn